Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Introduction- or lack there of

theres probably no reason to begin this with an introduction of myself because anyone who reads this knows me. hopefully this wont always be the case; when that time comes, i'll let it all out.

im starting a blog because
1) i have to starting this fall semester and
2) because i like to rant

first off, 1.
this is a requirement for my bachelor of fine arts degree (as far as i know). for those of you who are unfamiliar with this program (like myself and any other person entering it), its a year dedicated to churning out a ton of art for the sake of your portfolio. from there, you (presumably) get an internship, artist in residency, or goto graduates school for your masters in fine arts.
bfa requires that i take bfa seminar. again, i (think) this entitles me to create a blog and update it with all of my really exciting trials and tribulations with art (pronounced: aaah-t). in the past i've heard that this class is a worthless work load with a very slim chance at success. but hey, anything to get me away from the three writing intensive courses i had to finish in order to be admitted to bfa. ill do it.

and 2,
already with writing the explanation of 1 i'm filled with the urge to rant and bitch and claw my way through my opinions. when i browsed previous bfa bloggers blogs i was so ready for any one of them to step on a bunch of toes and just let it all out; had some of them done this they probably wouldnt have been such a horrible mess to deal with on a regular basis.
i like to bitch.
but i also like to be nice and see nice things. so lets make that number 3.

and 3
be nice and see nice things

in conclusion, there are 3 reasons why i am starting this blog
1) i have to
2) i bitch
3) im nice

1 comment:

  1. I give you 4 months before this blog is curbed. Keep up the good work though!
