Friday, June 25, 2010

date nights

Last week was rather eventful for me considering I rarely go out; in fact, the most social activity i engage in is the fairly regular "movie night" held at my apartment with a few art friends.  This past night we watched "Herb and Dorothy".  I recommend it. 


Last week started out with ~!!LADIES NIGHT!!~ at "the hub".  its basically one of those bars with a billion other bars in it, kind of like a strip mall.... of bars.  i would say that it was worth the five dollars to drink limitless until midnight; however, the djs had a weird pension for only playing crunk music to a bar of white people.  this would be reasonable if the majority of the people (ladies) enjoyed dancing to crunk, but my general impression was that they didnt because they didnt know how.  in other words, because they were white girls in fargo north dakota.  gotta love the ladies, but im just sayin'. 
attention all djs at the hub: please play more beastie boys.

the next day (friday), the usual crew of movie nighters went to our lovely (temporary) professors home for a meal and some wine.   shes actually not our professor anymore since shes not bond by a contract.  yay!!

 it was a pretty (hungover) dreary day, but it got brighter later

 specifically when loretta played the recorder as the dogs (howled)sang
also: notice the small penguin below lorettas arm in the garden
when we had first arrived, the penguin was facing us.  later, the penguin had its back to us. kind of freaky, but pretty cute.  loretta says the spirit of uncle bob (name?) lives in the penguin.  he died of cancer and gave the family the penguin.  smart man.
kaylyn has such a cool profile.  i hope she reads this.
michael has a way of dodging all snapshots.  this is unfortunate because he is surely the heart throb of the art department. on the other hand, this is fabulous portrait of chelsea lee and tina (her hair).
key ingredient to a fantastic dinner party
: boones farm.  preferably with a shot of UV vodka, but mixing it with another wine is suitable as well. 
it was great.
and look at this bathroom! his and her sinks! so authentic.
goodness all around!

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