Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Assignments: Artist Biography and Statement

My assignment is to write a short artist biography and artist statement.  I dont really have to publish this in my blog or anything, but what the shoot, lets have fun on blogger. 

 And yes, I do have to refer to myself in third person. 

Elizabeth Wolf was born in 1988 in Beulah, North Dakota.  She is currently a full time student at Minnesota State University Moorhead and is studying for her Bachelors of Fine Arts.  As a student, Liz emphasizes her studio studies in printmaking and installation pieces.   In addition to her studies, Liz is the current president of the Works on Paper Plus Guild.  Liz will graduate in 2011 with an emphasis in printmaking and will continue her education to broaden her interests in contemporary art theory.  Her long term goal is to become a lecturing professor in the arts.

This is a pretty wimpy biography considering I've never been in any shows other than the required BA and I've never received any kick ass scholarships since I lucked out with a hefty trust fund.  I'll admit that it's pretty embarrassing to have hardly any credentials, especially since my closest friends have some pretty great things to put in their biography.  For me, it feels as though I am a failure compared to my peers; it's something that holds me back from time to time.  Accepting "failure" has been apart of my learning this past year, and it motivates me to push my work into the public.  Also, learning to be supportive of my friends as opposed to envying them had been an issue as well.   It's fun to grow up.

In my work, I convey social observations through the use of metaphors and space.  Since my freshman year in college, I have portrayed the jellyfish as a symbol of relationships among people in society.  But my observations of jellyfish was only accessable through the use of the internet; because of photo manipulation and selective researching, I was no longer representing a real creature.  Instead, I represented my own creature I had created based on my interests. 
My current work deals with the crafting of mental and social situations through the use of the internet.  As a young woman who has grown up with a rapidly developing technology, my perceptions and motivations are influenced by a vast network of people and ideas through the use of technology.  
By hand crafting the jellyfish to represent my skewed perceptions, I have represented an idea that the information I receive is personalized; and the personalization of a source that is intangible has become a comfortable means in which to engage in learning and social construction in every day life. 
In addition to craft and construction, multiplication and space are important elements in my work. I utilize multiplication as a means to either disseminate a trend in society or to exemplify an idea within a space.

 Although my biography is pretty weak, I feel pretty confident in my artist statements.  I think I'm ending on a short note in the end, but for now I'm satisfied.  It's hard to sum up your work so that it encompasses all the ideas you've explored in it. 

Anyways! Good enough for now. 

KISS, July 24th

 This blog was drafted quite some time ago, so any references to when something took place is out-dated. 

I get a lot of shit for liking KISS; and I understand why to a certain extent.  I'll admit that a lot of KISS songs are pretty dated and a little cheesy, and that they had their big flops with albums such as Dynasty that rubbed disco/pop-hating fans the wrong way. But how could anyone deny that this is not incredibly fucking cool? 
I was born into a house with a major KISS loving dad, and there are many times I can remember being  awoken at 8am on any given Saturday to the song "Unholy"; ironically, despite my severe annoyance with my dad's weekend ritual, this is my favorite song by KISS.

And because my dad is incredibly hard to shop for (he never wants anything), any and all christmas gifts have been KISS related.  Undoubtedly, KISS is by far the most merchandised band.  Lego characters, the fm radio, boxes of unopened KISS collectors cards, action figures, a gene simmons mask, and a few other items of schwag are now stored in the basement of my parents home.  On a visit back to my home town sometime last winter, the tupperware tote containing said KISS items had made its way to the living room; my parents wanted to sell all of it for my "college fund".   My brother and I firmly disagreed and they have since been declared family heirlooms.  You'd be surprised how much some of those things are worth $$genesimmons$$

Did You Know?
Gene Simmons is so filthy fucking rich because he profits the most from KISS.  
While members such as Peter Criss (the cat man) and Ace Freely (Spaceman) 
were too fucked to function, Simmons was (is) the backbone of the band.   
Thus, Simmons gets all the bread. 
Gene Simmons and Paul Stanely (the Starchild and the he/she) are the only two 
original members currently touring; 
but they're really all that matter anyways. 

For many reasons, I think KISS is fucking cool.  

To begin my explanation, I need to drop a few names.  One of my favorite bands is the Gorillaz, specifically the album "Demon Days".  And the best live show I have ever seen is Gwar.  

What do these two bands have in common? Neither band has any human band members and are constructed from ideas.
Based entirely on comic book characters by Jamie Hewlett, the Gorillaz is a completely fictional band.  The lead singer, 2D, is verbalized mostly by Damon Albarn of Blur; however, his voice in interviews is Nelson De Freitas, a British actor. 
Noodle, the female guitarst, joined the band at the age of 10.  In need of a guitarist, the band posted an ad and shortly after received a FedEx package containing the young Japanese-speaking girl.  She was named after the only word she knew in English: Noodle. 
And so on and so forth...  
The same goes for Gwar, except I don't know all the gritty, gruesome details about their legend.   Honestly, I don't even listen to their music. But again, the members of the band are completely fictional.  Their shows consist of giant, monsterous costumes, stage props such as swords and penis guns, and special (puppet) guests who are decapitated or disemboweled.  Oh, and they spray copious amounts of blood, semen, and urine all over the audience.  It tastes like Kool-Aid! 

Because these bands are based on ideas that are materialized/aestheticized, we call these bands "conceptual"; and thats cooler than your average band.  So up yours, the Beatles!

To bring this back to the original topic, KISS is a concept.  Although the story and image is not nearly as elaborate as Gwar's or the Gorillaz, KISS is an early example of a successful, profitable, and conceptual band.  

Did You Know?
In Germany, it is illegal to display the SS insignia previously utilized by the Nazis.  Because KISS is spelled with two runic letters that are similar to Nazi insignia, the last two letters in KISS are modified in the Deutschland. 

My dad has seen KISS several (possibly seven?) times; the first  time being in 1977.  This past weekend* the family and a few straggler friends attended KISS at the grand Minot State Fair.  According to my dad, this was the best KISS performance he has seen.  Here's my review:

Because the band came out with a Wal-Mart exclusive $$ album "Sonic Boom" in 2009, they dedicated a majority of the first half of the concert to songs off of this album..... That I assume no one has really heard (or knew about).   The songs themselves, and my general impression of this album that I've never really listened to, is that KISS isn't cut out to produce music that will stimulate us anymore; this is mostly due to their relatively cheesy, sometimes easy lyrics that are masked by hard rock music. In short, theyre a little out dated to produce anything that will announce a "rebirth" or come-back to the band as far as releasing new records.
To make up for the audiences general disinterest/confusion of the first half of the show, they amped up the stage effects.  Also, Stanely demanded a lot of screaming and response from the crowd; a useful tactic, yet a bit tiring on the voice if I do say so myself. 
Even though the songs were unfamiliar, the stage performance was classic; all band members were in full swing: Band members pointed at the audience a lot, Stanely shook his ass for the big screen many dozens of times,  there was pyro, band members were lifted above the stage, and each member had his time to shine and performed a theatrical bit.

to top it all off, there were at least three instances where all of the members lined up next to each other and rocked side to side in unison. classic. 

Even though the first half of the show was a bit of a disappointment (despite rocking  a few classics  between their new songs) , the encore was made up entirely of their hits.  Although they didn't play any of their  "raunchier" songs, the second half of their show was what everyone had hoped for.  and as always,  and there was a ton  (more) pyro and fireworks. 
Ultimately, despite the bands aging, they can still play a pretty bad ass show. 

~*!Now its time for family photos!*~
(more coming soon)
My brother and I
 Can you guess who that man is?  My dad. 

Even pa wants to point
nom nom nom. post concert polish sausage
Post concert.  A very drunk dad and my very hurty feet.
Also, a very classic Wolf family finger shot.